While My Window Gently Weeps: Window Gasket and Weep Systems for Keeping Water Outside


Listen to the podcast version here:


Installing windows isn’t hard—you apply sealant to the back of the nailing flanges, pop it into the opening, secure with a few roofing nails and--if you’re into best practices--you go over all four flanges with housewrap tape. At least that’s what many of us learned 30-40 years ago (except for the tape part) and it’s still how most windows are installed.
Why, if that system works, do windows still leak?
Building science expert and educator Peter Yost joins us this week to discuss the science behind window installation. According to Peter, “Windows are complex elements of our building enclosures and their installation is just as complicated.” He will break down what that means and some evidence-based solutions.

Special Announcement: The Building Science Symposium Series now has a dedicated website: https://buildingsciencesymposium.com/. Next up: Las Vegas on February 24 and Seattle on April 8 and 9! 

Once again, Travis and Ben will be leading the Construction Performance Zone at the International Builders' Show, February 25-27: https://www.buildersshow.com/. (Plus the Symposium on the 24th.)

Our guest:

Peter Yost is the sole proprietor of Building-Wright (https://building-wright.com/). He has been building, researching, teaching, writing, and consulting on high performance buildings for more than 30 years. His expertise ranges from construction waste management and advanced framing to energy efficiency and building durability. Peter’s work has included Technical Director for GreenBuildingAdvisor.com, Lecturer for Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Instructor for Boston Architectural College, Adjunct Faculty with University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s Building Construction and Technology program, and Faculty for Keene State College’s Architecture program.
He is also a certified (certifiable?) wingnut...


Ground Source Heat Pumps


Energy Codes: What is New and Coming Up in the IECC?